Going with a reread of the fantastic audiobook, narrated by the also fantastic Jim Dale. I plan on using this book for this...
Lock every door, if only that were the answer. I found myself, burning the midnight oil, racing through the final pages of th...
‘Oh? And when will you be king?’ ‘Soon,’ he said. ‘Father is giving me a kingdom.’ I thought he was joking. ‘And may I live...
Not the best pic, but here is the new member of the family. He likes my room, so I think he likes to read.
Let me say what sorcery is not: it is not divine power, which comes with a thought and a blink. It must be made and worked, p...
‘I meant to tell you,’ he said. ‘I heard a prophecy of you. I had it from an old seeress who had left her temple and was wand...